Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Post

I'm Daniel Shaw, I'm a sophomore from Lexington, and my majors are Political Science and Communication Studies. As my majors imply, I am deeply interested in both politics and the interactions that influence it and society at large. I consider myself to be a Non-Interventionist Libertarian, which means that I support wars of self-defense and government policies that protect from violence and fraud, both economically and socially.

I originally decided to take this class at the recommendation of a good friend of mine. He recommended it to me so I might better understand the roles that gender and other related topics play in our society. Upon deciding to take this course, my goal has been just that, in addition to educating myself in regard to the significance of these issues in both the past and the present. One of my major goals in life is to help others feel empowered enough to advocate for themselves on both a social and political level, which plays into many aspects of this course rather nicely, another reason why I feel it is important to take both this and other courses that focus on social justice movements. In doing so, I hope to learn from both the triumphs and setbacks of the past, so I can better strive to attain my goals.

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